Author Archives for admin

felix - Women Leadership Development


January 19, 2022 12:01 pm Published by Comments Off on TRANSFORMED LEADER TRANSFORMS A COMMUNITY

Felix Acala the Local Council II – Apua Parish Aromo Sub County (Parish Leader) has been attending trainings on Natural Resources Management at the sub county headquarters of Aromo organised by Women Leaderships Development and facilitated by District Natural Resource Officer of Lira District Local Government. Felix just like any... Read More

women-leadership - Women Leadership Development

Women to meet over leadership

January 19, 2022 11:36 am Published by Comments Off on Women to meet over leadership

About 200 women from various organizations converge this week for the fourth annual conference on women and leadership. According to the Federation of Uganda Employers(FUE), the organizers of the event, this year’s Conference shall also witness the official launch of the globally acclaimed United Nations Women Empowerment Principles which include... Read More

MARIA-KIWANUKA - Women Leadership Development

Budget Reading: Government presents yet another tax-heavy budget

January 19, 2022 11:30 am Published by Comments Off on Budget Reading: Government presents yet another tax-heavy budget

Finance Minister Maria Kiwanuka yesterday obeyed predictions and delivered yet another “tax-heavy budget” she pigeon-holed as “special” but roundly criticised by policy makers as a “recipe for disaster” for balancing the books on the backs of the poor. In order to be able to finance 81.8 per cent of Shs15.4... Read More

Betty Bigombe at Campus Progress - Women Leadership Development

Preparations by Parties to nominate candidates to replace Betty Bigombe in Amuru District

January 19, 2022 11:27 am Published by Comments Off on Preparations by Parties to nominate candidates to replace Betty Bigombe in Amuru District

HARDLY a month after unity brought it resounding victory in the Luweero woman MP by-election, the opposition is set to follow the same blueprint in Amuru district as the race to replace Betty Bigombe picks steam. In a rare show of unity, opposition bigwigs canvassed votes for Democratic Party candidate,... Read More

Pacific_SolarEngineer - Women Leadership Development

Putting women at the forefront of climate change and disaster response in the Pacific.

January 19, 2022 11:22 am Published by Comments Off on Putting women at the forefront of climate change and disaster response in the Pacific.

Reapi Waitaleca is a grandmother in the village of Nabouwalu on the Fijian island of Kadavu. She is also a trained solar engineer who has installed solar panels for all the households in her village and established a solar workshop. She is now training an 18-year-old high school graduate as... Read More

WLEDE--Women empowerment meetind

Heroines of the pandemic; The tale of Councilor Florence Aciiro

August 25, 2021 12:18 pm Published by Comments Off on Heroines of the pandemic; The tale of Councilor Florence Aciiro

Councilor Florence is one of our star beneficiaries of programs that run throughout 2018 and 2019, when we met she was but another vendor making ends meet in the Kampala sun but with the right capacity building in communication lobbying and advocacy and the invaluable mentorship councilor Florence grew leaps... Read More

Women Leadership Development


February 18, 2021 12:17 pm Published by Comments Off on BENEFICIARY ACHEIVES HER LIFE LONG DREAM

We are so deligthetd to introduce Mrs. Florence Aciro who now goes by the popular title Lord Councillor Aciro Florence is one of our most committed beneficairies ,having graduated from our flagship trainning with vendors of kampala city ,that is proving to be a bigger success with every year that... Read More

Leadership Journey -WLEDE

Leadership Journey

September 14, 2020 12:09 pm Published by Comments Off on Leadership Journey

On the last day of training, Ms. Rose Abir who belongs to FDC and a proven determined woman leader confidently shared her purposeful leadership journey in the political space which really inspired the participants.  Rose had dropped out of school when in senior one and was married off. The main... Read More



December 5, 2019 12:08 pm Published by Comments Off on WLEDE’S VOICE ON THE ELIMINATION OF GENDER BASED VIOLENCE (GBV) AGAINST WOMEN 2019.

Women Leadership Development – WLEDE joins the international and national efforts to mark the 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence (GBV). WLEDE’s Mission is “To improve the quality contribution of women and youth leaders for Social Transformation through leadership capacity development” WLEDE’s programs are holistically designed to increase women’s... Read More

Scovia - Women Leadership Development

SCOVIA FINDS JOY IN GROWING VEGETABLES e.g Promotion of green economy yields buffer of vegetables

November 11, 2019 12:05 pm Published by Comments Off on SCOVIA FINDS JOY IN GROWING VEGETABLES e.g Promotion of green economy yields buffer of vegetables

Scovia Apioa 38 year resident ofOtara parish, and an office cleaner at Aromo Sub County got interested in growing vegetables in April 2019 after attending trainings on Natural Resource management. In the trainings, aspects of vegetable growing was tackled as means of earning from the green economy. Scovia being a... Read More