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Heroines of the pandemic; The tale of Councilor Florence Aciiro

August 25, 2021    By admin

Councilor Florence is one of our star beneficiaries of programs that run throughout 2018 and 2019, when we met she was but another vendor making ends meet in the Kampala sun but with the right capacity building in communication lobbying and advocacy and the invaluable mentorship councilor Florence grew leaps... Read More


February 18, 2021    By admin

We are so deligthetd to introduce Mrs. Florence Aciro who now goes by the popular title Lord Councillor Aciro Florence is one of our most committed beneficairies ,having graduated from our flagship trainning with vendors of kampala city ,that is proving to be a bigger success with every year that... Read More

Leadership Journey

September 14, 2020    By admin

On the last day of training, Ms. Rose Abir who belongs to FDC and a proven determined woman leader confidently shared her purposeful leadership journey in the political space which really inspired the participants.  Rose had dropped out of school when in senior one and was married off. The main... Read More


December 5, 2019    By admin

Women Leadership Development – WLEDE joins the international and national efforts to mark the 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence (GBV). WLEDE’s Mission is “To improve the quality contribution of women and youth leaders for Social Transformation through leadership capacity development” WLEDE’s programs are holistically designed to increase women’s... Read More


January 19, 2019    By admin

Enhancing Green Opportunities for young people and women in Lira district through private, public sector. EGO project. A three day annual review and planning meeting on the EGO project was held at AVSI – Lira office (from 15th – 17th Jan 2019. The meeting attracted the following participants who are behind the... Read More

FHRI/WLEDE Close Out Election Observation Mission

June 25, 2018    By admin

It was all fanfare at Eureka Place Hotel Ntinda as civil society organizations Women leadership Development (WLEDE) and Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) marked the close out of their election observation mission for the 2016 Uganda election. The occasion featured the recognition of the efforts of FHRI and WLEDE’S 27 Long-Term Observers who... Read More

UN Women Empowerment Principles to be launched in Uganda

June 25, 2018    By admin

THE fourth Annual Women’s Leadership Conference, organized by the Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE), is slated for October 16th in Kampala. This year’s Conference will be different from the previous three, as it will officially launch the United Nations Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) in the country. The WEPs are a... Read More

Women leadership could solve these environmental challenges

June 10, 2018    By admin

International Women’s Day is a global day for celebrating the economic, political, social and environmental achievements of women past, present and future. At the same time, however, it is also a day for highlighting the inequities and challenges which still need to be addressed regarding women’s involvement in all sectors... Read More