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Urgent Action Needed to Address Alarming Rise in Teen Pregnancies in Lango

July 18, 2024    By Allan Mutebi

In a powerful call to action, Minister of Health Jane Ruth Aceng has urged communities in the Lango sub-region to address the alarming rise in teenage pregnancies. Speaking at a community health forum in Lira, Minister Aceng highlighted the critical need for concerted efforts to tackle this pressing issue that... Read More

The Power of Community Barazas: A Beacon of Collective Wisdom and Action

July 16, 2024    By Allan Mutebi

In the heart of many communities, the tradition of coming together to discuss, deliberate, and decide on important matters has been a cornerstone of communal life. This tradition, known as community barazas, holds immense value and continues to play a pivotal role in fostering unity, addressing issues, and driving collective... Read More

Addressing the Impact of Uganda’s LC Elections Postponement on Gender Equality

July 4, 2024    By Allan Mutebi

At WLEDE we recognize the significant impact of political decisions on gender equality and women’s empowerment. The recent extension of Local Council (LC) I and LC II terms in Uganda by 180 days due to logistical challenges highlights the importance of stable governance in advancing our mission​ (Monitor)​​ (NTV Uganda)​​... Read More

Leaders Aren’t Listening:  A Call for Enhanced Leadership, Gender Equality and Community-Driven Solutions

July 3, 2024    By Allan Mutebi

Recent findings from the Afrobarometer survey,reveal a growing concern among Ugandans: elected leaders are not sufficiently responsive to their needs. This sentiment echoes the results of another survey reported by the Daily Monitor, which underscores the disconnect between Members of Parliament (MPs) and their constituents’ needs. As an organization dedicated... Read More

Call to Action: Embrace Humanity and Advocate for Women and Children

June 25, 2024    By Allan Mutebi

In a world often marked by selective policies and actions, it’s crucial to remember our shared humanity and the power each of us holds to make a difference. The recent evictions in the Lubigi wetlands highlight the dire need for advocacy and support for vulnerable populations, particularly women and children.... Read More

Lira City’s Budget Sees Significant Reduction of UGX 17 Billion

June 21, 2024    By Allan Mutebi

In a recent development impacting Lira City, there has been a notable decrease in the city’s budget by UGX 17 billion. This reduction marks a significant shift in financial planning for the region, prompting adjustments in various sectors. The decision, reflecting changing economic landscapes and priorities, has sparked discussions among... Read More

The State of Schools in Lango Region: A Recurring Trend and Its Impact on Female Students

June 17, 2024    By Allan Mutebi

In recent weeks, Northern Uganda’s Lango region has seen a surge in student protests, notably at King James Comprehensive Secondary School, Amugu Seed Secondary School, and Akura Seed Secondary School. Students are rebelling against stringent disciplinary measures, including the forceful confiscation of mobile phones and non-uniform attire​ (Radio COMNETU)​​ (DOKOLO... Read More

Lubigi Wetland Evictions: The Impact on Women and Children

June 14, 2024    By Allan Mutebi

In a recent crackdown by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), over 1,000 people were evicted from the Lubigi wetland in Wakiso District. This operation has left many families, including women and children, homeless and vulnerable. The evictions aim to address environmental degradation... Read More

Uganda National Budget Day: Have Women and Youth Been Catered For?

June 13, 2024    By Allan Mutebi

Uganda’s National Budget Day has come and gone, with the government unveiling a budget of UGX 72.136 trillion for the fiscal year 2024/2025. This budget sets the stage for addressing the nation’s developmental priorities, but it also raises an essential question: Have women and youth been adequately catered for? And... Read More