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Short-term observation training – Kampala

February 4, 2016    By admin

On 4th February 2016, Women Leadership Development in partnership with Foundation for Human Rights Initiative and supported by the European Union conducted a training for Short Term Observers Eureka Hotel in Kampala. This training will be followed by another in Mbale on the 10th February 2016. The 66 participants were... Read More

Vote Women: Introducing the “Basobola” Campaign.

January 19, 2016    By admin

Wlede in partnership with CEON-U, FHRI joins hand on a campaign to advocate for more women in leadership position in this forthcoming elections of 2016. Honour your vote! Vote women, Basobola! is a voter education tag line by civil society organizations, Foundation For Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) and Women in... Read More

UN Women calls on global citizens to bring gender equality into focus.

July 19, 2014    By admin

UN Women today launched a major campaign in the lead-up to the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the historic Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. A year of activities around the world will aim to mobilize governments and citizens alike to picture a world where gender equality is... Read More