To maintatian engagement in community“Interactive Issue based Radio talk shows on local radio stations to improve civic awareness and accountability of service delivery”. These were be call-in sessions for the leaders to enlighten the community on the status of the different issues at hand. The first round of shows was held in December 2022 during the end-of-year school holiday.
The shows went smoothly on all three days gaining much-needed engagement with the public in a critical time before the children went back to school and were listened to by a range of demographic from children to adults and informal and formal sectors. This was evident in the callers that engaged the leaders after the show. There was a major improvement in the communication approach of the beneficiary councilors most notably with Ms. Auma Gloria a councilor for Ogur who was very eloquent stating out all her points well and with conviction, she was highly rated after the show and received a lot of applause from the callers and show host for her message delivered. All the participating teams appreciated WLEDE for the opportunity and pledged to focus on monitoring and evaluation such that these opportunities find them with up-to-date information