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Engagement of Lira District Councilors on comprehension policy briefs and formulating by-laws and ordinances.

July 13, 2023      

On the 4th -5th of July 2023, WLEDE is undertook a two-day training on policy briefs engagement of 58 councillors for political leaders to improve civic awareness and accountability of service delivery at the Lira District Council Hall.

The activity enhanced the capacity for Lira District Councillors to extensively comprehend  policy briefs on health and education sectors.

This will ensure improved downward political accountability and policy engagements through community interface with duty bearers and local council leaders in Aromo, Ogur Sub counties and Lira municipality.

The training was very participatory and well received, with the deputy speaker r of Lira District Council noting that the intervention was desperately needed and requested for more training on the subject to all the District Councillors to improve the efficiency in service delivery in the district and ensure reliable information flow to the grassroots the councillors represent. We extend our sincere gratitude to the AWDF for the support that made all this possible, Lira District Council and all the Councillors that participated .We anxiously wait to see the fruits born from this engagement