On the 20th of June 2023 WLEDE under the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders Uganda commissioned the study on civic space index in Uganda.
The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders Uganda (NCHRDU) commissioned a publication for this Uganda: Civic Space Index, 2022.the study could never have been timely than the present times when civil society in the country is undergoing serious challenges ranging from restrictive laws and policies, intimidation, harassment, arrests, physical assaults, frivolous or politically driven prosecutions to mention but a few. This demands for accountability and good governance through human rights defenders as a vehicle.
The latest civic space index report 2022 has revealed that 73% of citizens interviewed feel Uganda is not heading in the right direction when it comes to providing for civic rights. This was a slight improvement in the rankings, compared with the last report of 2021, which had 73.9% of the respondents saying the country was moving in the wrong direction.
The keynote speaker was Richard Nelson the Uganda mission director of USAID. This was all made possible with support of the American people through United States Agency for Internationals Development (USAID).