Author Archives for admin

Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

September 5, 2023 2:20 pm Published by Comments Off on Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

 As we deliberately continue in the process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources that we and the communities we serve need to survive, adapt, and thrive in a fast-changing world.

Serere Woman MP wants culprits of PDM ghost beneficiaries to be arrested.

September 1, 2023 1:21 pm Published by Comments Off on Serere Woman MP wants culprits of PDM ghost beneficiaries to be arrested.

The Minister of State for Fisheries who is also the Serere District woman Member of Parliament Hellen Adoa has ordered the arrest of the committee members of the Parish Development Model information system in Serere for presenting non-existent names to benefit from the fund. She also wants the parish chief... Read More

Uganda restoring colonial-era rail after China fails to fund another line.

September 1, 2023 1:17 pm Published by Comments Off on Uganda restoring colonial-era rail after China fails to fund another line.

The rail line was built during British colonial rule and hasn’t been in use for nearly four decades. Uganda has started construction to restore a British-era railway line after it failed to get funding from China for another standard gauge railway (SGR). The line will cut the cost of shipping... Read More

Informed and engaged communities for sustainable development.

August 31, 2023 5:05 pm Published by Comments Off on Informed and engaged communities for sustainable development.

WLEDE organized joint platforms Barazas for the communities, duty bearers service providers and political leaders to interface and receive feedback about milestones achieved, plans, and answer questions on the health and education sectors. This was done to improve civic awareness, accountability and service delivery. These were held on 22nd August... Read More

Her land, Her rights!

August 29, 2023 4:05 pm Published by Comments Off on Her land, Her rights!

Government to Host 7th Land Awareness Week 2023 in Lango Sub-Region The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MLHUD) is set to hold the 7th Land Awareness Week (LAW) 2023, in Lango sub-county under the theme “Promoting Land Rights and Inclusion for Enhanced Production and Sustainable Development”. The event is... Read More

Arua City Women groups ask for more funding in Emyooga Programme

August 29, 2023 2:38 pm Published by Comments Off on Arua City Women groups ask for more funding in Emyooga Programme

Participating  Emyooga women’s enterprise groups in Arua City have sent out a plea to Microfinance Support Centre [MSC] to consider them for the second funding phase. The women groups claim most of their beneficiaries got small loans that couldn’t meet all their business requirements, and as a result not much... Read More

Fruits of thy labour.

August 23, 2023 2:03 pm Published by Comments Off on Fruits of thy labour.

We would like to congratulate Mrs. Mona Muguma Sebuliba on her latest appointment on the board of Stanbic Bank Uganda. Mrs Mona is a founding member and treasurer to the board at WLEDE and the organization takes this opportunity to congratulate you on your big achievement . Mrs Mona continues... Read More

Engagement of Lira District Councilors on comprehension policy briefs and formulating by-laws and ordinances.

July 13, 2023 9:17 am Published by Comments Off on Engagement of Lira District Councilors on comprehension policy briefs and formulating by-laws and ordinances.

On the 4th -5th of July 2023, WLEDE is undertook a two-day training on policy briefs engagement of 58 councillors for political leaders to improve civic awareness and accountability of service delivery at the Lira District Council Hall. The activity enhanced the capacity for Lira District Councillors to extensively comprehend... Read More

Civil liberties at stake

June 21, 2023 3:34 pm Published by Comments Off on Civil liberties at stake

On the 20th of June 2023 WLEDE under the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders Uganda commissioned the study on civic space index in Uganda. The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders Uganda (NCHRDU) commissioned a publication for this Uganda: Civic Space Index, 2022.the study could never have been timely... Read More

Women Leadership Development – WLEDE

Day of African Child: Ensuring Safe Access to Digital Space

June 16, 2023 10:07 am Published by Comments Off on Day of African Child: Ensuring Safe Access to Digital Space

On June 16, 1971 more than 20,000 South African students in the township of Soweto took to the streets demanding to be taught in their own language. Armed police officers responded by murdering hundreds of protesters. Now recognized as International Day of the African Child throughout the world. The day... Read More