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Women Leadership Development – WLEDE

“From Traditional Birth Attendant to Maternal Health Champion: Hon. Adong Hellen’s Empowering Journey”

June 23, 2023      

Hon. Adong Hellen’s journey from being a traditional birth attendant to a proactive advocate for maternal health services exemplifies the transformative power of education and empowerment. Her story is not just one of personal growth but also a testament to the impact of initiatives like the SWOPA project in Lira District.

Before her involvement with the SWOPA project and the WLEDE training in March 2022, Hon. Adong was deeply entrenched in her role as a traditional birth attendant in her community in Aromo sub-county. While her intentions were undoubtedly noble, she lacked the necessary knowledge and resources to provide safe and effective maternal care.

However, everything changed for Hon. Adong when she participated in the WLEDE training. Through this program, she gained a concrete understanding of her roles as a councilor, as well as insights into human rights and gender-based leadership. Armed with newfound knowledge and competencies, Hon. Adong’s perspective on maternal health transformed drastically.

Her appointment to the Health Management Committee of Aromo caucus marked a significant turning point in her journey. No longer bound by the limitations of traditional practices, Hon. Adong embraced her new role with zeal and dedication. She became a staunch advocate for maternal health services, tirelessly working to raise awareness about the dangers of traditional childbirth and the importance of seeking medical attention.

Hon. Adong’s efforts extended beyond mere advocacy. She actively sought out women in need of maternity services, providing them with guidance and support to ensure they received the care they deserved. Her passion and commitment were unwavering, driven by the desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of women and girls in her community.

Reflecting on her journey, Hon. Adong acknowledges the profound impact of the WLEDE training and mentorship. It empowered her with the skills and enlightenment necessary to effect meaningful change. What was once a personal practice rooted in tradition has evolved into a powerful force for good, thanks to her dedication and the support she received through the SWOPA project.

Today, Hon. Adong stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration in Aromo sub-county. Her journey from traditional birth attendant to maternal health advocate serves as a shining example of what is possible when individuals are equipped with the right tools and opportunities. Through her relentless efforts, countless lives have been touched, and the legacy of her advocacy will endure for generations to come.