Author Archives for Allan Mutebi

Is Women’s Emancipation Achieving Its Objectives?

March 22, 2024 11:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Title: Is Women’s Emancipation Achieving Its Objectives? In a world where the fight for gender equality continues to gain momentum, the question arises: Is women’s emancipation truly achieving its objectives? The journey towards empowerment and equality has been marked by significant milestones, yet challenges persist, reminding us that the battle... Read More

Martha Wangari Karua: Iron lady. Pioneer, Trailblazer. Deputy President?

May 17, 2022 9:35 am Published by Comments Off on Martha Wangari Karua: Iron lady. Pioneer, Trailblazer. Deputy President?

Martha Karua has often been referred to as the Iron Lady, and now she could be just a step away from becoming Kenya’s first woman Deputy President. Raila Odinga named Martha Karua to the role making her the first woman to run on a major political party’s presidential ticket. “History... Read More